21 October, 2006

Traditional Propping

Conventional formwork proppring system is different from the system formwork.

The above photo is the conventional propping method. The typical erection with a contraint of a limitation of height of propping from the supporting base to the top.

A horizontal 2"x3" timber is supporting the span in the required interval of spacing of 2 feet or more, depend on the beam size and height.

Two diagional branch supports are firmly nailed to connect the horizontal 2"x3" support and vertical 2"x3" strut. The centre 1"x2" is forming the T- propping.

The magic portion is the wedges slot in between the both sides of the beam to prevent the beam bulging and secure the bottom size of beam.

Things need to be taken note here are the width of the beam must carefully take into the consideration as the prefabrication of the propping size must be firmly fix to secure the bottom of beam.

The second thing is the height of the beam must be approximately 8-12 feet, as if higher beam shall replace the propping either scaffolding or closer spacing of prop.

This kind of conventional propping is normally used in the normal housing project as the floor to floor height is consistent and about 8-12 feets height only.

Besides the cost of timber is cheaper than other system formwork, the portable size of light propping is another encourage point.

Wondering can this kind of timber propping material to replace by those steel support as the durability and recycling times are soon to be one of the important factor to be consider.

Timber formwork will be obsolete while cost of the steel form comparatively go lower than timber.

11 October, 2006

Build Your Strong Base

“I think new property investors should focus on growing their property investment portfolio to a size where they meet their short and mid-term goals.

They have to reach a stage where their investment capital is sufficiently large before they can shorten the timeframe needed to attain their long-term goals.” quoted from Renesial Leong.

I agree with her. Beginning is always tough and difficult! Face it, reap the sweet result at the end when you grow bigger.

10 October, 2006

Conditional Redrawal- Loan

Whenever you see the REDRAW facility stated in the loan packages, try to ask few questions to the banker to clarify certain thing as it may vary from one to another.

1. How many time of redrawal is allow?
For instance, Public Bank got one loan package which only allow 1 withdrawal per annual.

2. Charge of Redrawal.
Friends, Nothing is free, all administration work will not be free. It imposed certain charge on every redraw! It could be Rm 50 per withdrawal.

3. Limitation of Withdraw Amount
Don't think you can withdraw whatever amount as you like and don't be too naive to tell, because there is your money. No way, since you sign the loan agreement you are bond to it. Understand the amount for withdraw is allow, eg. Public Bank allow minimum Rm 5k per withdraw and subsequent multiple of Rm 1k. So in other word, if your advance payment is only RM 4,500. Then, sorry you don't allow to withdraw that portion of money.

4. Notice of Redraw
Recently, i found Citibank offer a very attractive package as their loan product can allow for whatever amount of withdrawal (advance payment) without any notice and charge. Usually, for those who required to withdraw money are used for emergency, what if you still need to serve 1 week notice or more. It is killing off, right?

5. Commencement of Redraw Facility
Most of the borrowers thought that the redraw facility is implemented upon the signing of loan agreement. Here, to advise you again to read carefully on the book thick agreement note or ask the banker if it is not clear.
For completed property, it should be no problem, but for under construction property, it is always a risk or wrong interpretation that the redraw facility is upon signing of loan agreement. Most of the bank only allow withdrawal upon full release of loan, as for them to earn back their targetted profit because usually they offer a very low interest under construction stage.

Understand better on what you have signed can lead you to a safer position.

09 October, 2006

Redraw Facility - Loan

In current market, most of the home loan packages are offering REDRAW facility. It is a good for borrowers as they can put in their extra money to offset the loan interest and principle to shorten the loan tenure, and in other sides, it also facilitates the withdrawal of any extra payment once the borrower need some money for emergency or any.

Here, what i would like to highlight is that, Loan Agreements are varied from banks to banks and the clauses insides have to be read through thoroughly, at least once. It will give you a better picture of how the condition and the facilities apply. Get banker to explain if you have any doubt, as this is their duty to explain any question raise under the agreement.

For under construction property, some of the banks allow for Prepayment and gives daily rest interest facility. However, it imposes a condition that NO WITHDRAW until fully release of loan. Take Note on this points, under construction period is about 24 months or 36 months, as this period no withdraw is allowed. To prevent any cash flow problem within this period, do spare some money on hand as to avoid the misinterpretation of REDRAW facility given.!!

Structural Defect - Honeycomb

Apparently this is another shoddy work from the end result of poor workmanship.

Rebar is exposed at the honeycomb portion.

Most of the unscrupulous contractors will use a cement paste to plaster the honeycomb portion. Using an inferior grade of material will definitely fail to replace the original design of concrete strength.

Even more serious will be as this one.. a simple hammer knocking on it, the whole junk will collapse i believe.

The loading is supposed to transfer from beam to column and downward to foundation. But when the joint part is not properly constructed. how can loading be transfer? it can be foreseen that future structural problem will be happen, such as cracking of wall, breaking of piping (if any).

For sure the durablity of structure will be in doubt.Immediate remedial against this defect is imperatively needed. Prevention measure also need to be taken to halt this kind of rampant shoddy work spread on site. I hope developer can take more stern action on this kind of inferior work as to build buyer confidence and not to scare away them.

07 October, 2006

My Home

Real Life Experience..!..!

My home.. S & P is signed at the end of 2004. Currently, this is the status of the construction progress. Once i refresh my mind, it recalls me that the motive to buy this unit is mainly come from an influential of a good friend of mine. I am so lucky to have this friend in guiding me on the first purchase of my ofirst home!

Target completion is at the end of 2007, 36 months from the signing of SPA. Hope everything will be going smooth. I like this location as it is only walking distance to LRT station.

One thing I realise that if possible, try to purchase a completed property even though the price is slightly higher compare to the launching price. i think it is worthy as to offset the risk of delivery and immediate move in condition can save up your monthly rental, if you are currently renting a house.

Try to consider completed property. as i have learned a lesson from here.. You save a step from me..

06 October, 2006

Home Loan Calculation

Let's show the home loan calculation as it is different from car loan or others.

Loan Amount : RM 100,000.00
Interest Rate (p.a) : 6.50%
Installment (p.mth) : RM 800.00

The calculation flow of the first month installment

This is the second month of installment calculation,

Then, the subsequent months will be follow with the above formula. When the outstanding loan become ZERO, there is the settlement of loan and total months of repayment is the whole loan tenure.

Hope it gives you a clear picture of how bank charge you on home loan.!

05 October, 2006

Pile Cap

This is a construction of pile cap.

First of all, the level of the pile cap need to be determined and complied to the drawing. Excavate a pit until the required level and sufficient pit size for formwork erection.

Usually cut pile, people will use hammer to knock it down at the required cut off level. Hence, the edge or the head of the pile is always in odd shape or broken pieces.

The better solution will be like this.. Mark the level and use grinder to cut it off at the level. It provides a better accuracy of cut off and flat surface of the pile head.

After cut along the perimeter of the pile, the upper portion (waste length) will be knocked off by hammer. Then, manually push it and break the joint. It also prevent the head portion being knocked down into broken pieces and affect the strength at the pile head.

After that, the cut portion will be remove. The lean concrete will be laid as per drawing and size of the pile cap.

It follow up by formwork with strutting, usually, it is in box shape and guided with 2"x3" timber to prevent bulging. The prefabricated reinforcement steel cage will be installed together with the column stump rebar. It is guided and tighthen into position with a cross timber 1"x2".

When everything is ready, concreting will take place and concrete will be pour into the box and pile cap is formed. tTereafter, the next element of structural work will continue like column stump, backfiling, etc.

An example of pile cap is shown at the above.

04 October, 2006

Clocking Device

Clocking Device - AMANO (brand name)

Good device for patrol and provide a prove especially on night duty.

It could has plenty of brands for this device. I found it is useful and share it over to some of you who may not aware of this device.

The internal component of the clocking device = A battery, a timer and a tape which record at every check point station.
A tape will print a note on time of rounding and date. This is to ensure the duty of patrol is being carried out timely. The check point station can be installed at the perimeter of the hoarding and the print out will be the best check for timely patrol duty. it can be applied in construction site to minimise theft and material stolen cases.

03 October, 2006

Notes on Buying a Property for Beginners

Seven simple steps to a beginner.

step 1: Getting the down payment
Own Saving (FD), EPF, borrow from relative, parent, silbings, etc. , or look for low down payment developer. Of coures, i don't ask you to borrow from Ah Long (private finance with no gurantee, no deposit, fast approval). Again, get it from right channel.

step 2: How much you can borrow
Check with banks or financial institution, some can offer from 100% - 80% depend on type of property and banks. Friend, some of even offer 110% loan package come under the developer advertising strategy..rules of thumb here is the installment is about 1/3 of your monthly income and currently it increases the lending power up to 1/2 of your monthly income. Again, final reminder, Not Borrow from Ah Long ( they are not called Sharks for nothing..)

step 3: Factor in the many costs (including hidden)
Simply name few of the costs that you may not be aware, of course, you may not strange to MRTA/MLTA, how about those like stamping duty, legal fees, inspection fee, land title search, transfer fees, valuation fees, processing fees, etc. These are all dollar and cent. Get the quotation out from Banker / Lawyer firm and make a comparison, it can help you to estimate more accurate on budget.

step 4: Check out the different loans and terms
This one even more easier. Flip over the newspaper or switch on ur radio, you can always hear Bank A or Bank B or/ even Bank C offering unbelievable home loan.. Give them a call, tell them about your property, location, purchase price, they are very helpful to serve you and offer you the best loan package. Then, you can ask them about the term and condition of the loan agreement as it may vary from one to another. Normal information that you need to know is, of course, how much the installment, loan tenure, bonding period, penalties imposed for defaults, other facilites involve, etc.

step 5: Shortlisting of locations and/or type of properties.
Location and type of property are always justified the price of the property. It helps you to understand the limit and affordability of individual. For instance, you can't take Rawang property compare to Subang property. Then, list out the amenities you are looking for or all requisite for dwelling purpose. Property price can be easily obtain from the classified or any property agent.

step 6: Return of investment or just in case
If you aim for appreciation return will be landed property, rental income will be high rise condo/apartment, etc. After that, pay a visit to site to check out the actual condition and the surrounding environment. Then, classified section in newspaper also is also very informative to understand the market value in demand and supply ratio.

step 7: Do a comparison chart and be patient
Always No Hurry on buying property! Hurry will be misleading your decision. Outline all the collected information, in term of pricing range, location, affordability, loan interest or packages available and total cost involved. Plot a chart and make a comparison, the more systematic approach you do in comparison, like tabulation or chart, the clearer picture you get on the Intended-to-buy- Property!

At the end, wish you good luck in getting your Dream Home!