Boom lift is used to inspect the structure condition of MRR2 flyover.
Pretty serious peeling of concrete structure. Those persons (in photo), are the qualified inspector (with engineering ground)? Else don't tell us there is still safe to use.
If acclaimed that there is extra carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) panel being installed, but the concrete failure is still happening. It implies that the original structure work (repair) under designed.
Safety netting is installed to prevent the falling of concrete clump. Is it still have a potential of further peeling of concrete?

Engineer will push to contractor poor workmanship. Contractor will push to the Engineer as design error. At the end, who shall responsible on this matter?
Who is the loser? Tax Payer.
Who is the winner? Engineer, contractor and other unknown person who make multi thousand of buck in this contract (original contract and repair work).
Who is the winner? Engineer, contractor and other unknown person who make multi thousand of buck in this contract (original contract and repair work).
Then the latest repair work shall go to which party is still made unknown.
There is poor rewarding and penalty system in Government department.
Where is the meritocracy system? Who fail to perform shall not hold on to his position and the board of department shall judge to his performance and reward / penalize him accordingly.
No proper Frame Work in the system is the failure of MIP (Man In Parliament)
No proper Frame Work in the system is the failure of MIP (Man In Parliament)
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