Usually, once you obtain your key during vacant possession to inspect the house defect, then, you will pass the list of defect to developer to carry the repair within 18 months time. The problem raise from here, What if developer reclutant or refuse to carry out the repair, you can go ahead and make the repairs and recover the cost from the developer. This is provided you have informed the developer of the cost of repairs and given him an opportunity to carry out the works himself. (Served an advance notice to developer as proof)
If the developer refuse to pay you back later, ok, fine.. the below is the contact for you to seek for legal advice from local authority to file a case to them.
The Secretary
Tribunal for Homebuyer Claims
Ministry of Housing & Local Government
Level 2, Block B South
Pusat Bandar Damansara
50782 Kuala Lumpur
(03) 2092 4488 or
(03) 2099 8389/8402 (Hotline)
Fax: (03) 2093 4776
Besides that, some term and condition are applied. You can also seek their advice before hand as to push the developer to carry out their duty accordingly.
To avoid this kind of messy steps, prevention is always better than cure, so nowadays, buyers always seek for Good Reputation Developer as to prevent the above incident happen on their loving house, even though sometimes it is slightly more expensive than market price, it is still worthy and its produce is definitely value for your money.
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