25 September, 2006

Source for Home Fund - HoMe Loan

A lot of people doesn't really understand their capability/affordability of purchasing a house. For instance, a house/ apartment which sells at Rm 100,000.oo, a layman will shout, " I don't have Rm 100,000.00, How to buy that property?!" why i call him as layman, cause only layman will give this kind of answer. Friend, there is always a legal clue that you can resolve this monetary issue, provided you know how, but of course definitely moaning at sky is not going to work!

Why i want to stress on "Legal" clue? Simply because illegal wise, you can rob a bank and like what newspaper shown recently grab the entire ATM, or with lesser risk - borrow money from "Ah Long" (Illegal Private bank or Financial Support Instituition with no gurantee, P & C for individual particular, no deposit, fast approval, etc - sound professional , right? but don't ever think of them, there will be a continuous nightmare for you, if you have selected them.) The best Option here i would like to recommend to you is BANK.

In fact, Bank is a legal option for you to loan your money. Then, a someone may ask which bank? Here, i tell you, any Bank will do, let 's me name a few for you, local bank will be Maybank, Public Bank, Hong Leong Bank, BumiPutra Commerce, Ambank, etc and Oversea bank will be Citibank, United Oversea Bank, HSBC, etc.

All the Banks above provide Home Loan Product to the consumer. Of course some of the term and condition need to be complied. Every bank has it own loan packages which are readily designed to suit for various range of consumer from poor to rich or from short term to long term.It depends on individual needs and accommodate to your financial status. Who know well on your financial position, ONLY yourself. So understand your own financial position and cash flow or even forecast your cash flow will help you to make a better choice in loan package selection.

Always remember, all banks are passionately welcoming to assist you in loan application as the loan department crew will explain all single detail to you while you approach them. What is the risk of making an enquiry at the bank? Police will not arrest you, you are not robber! Why want to risk your life and future, while there is a better channel awaiting for you. So Think out of the way, You can also own a House with a small little sum of money! May be only as little as 10% of the house price or even lesser, so stop moaning at the sky and visit my blog will let you know more. Find out more over here.