Before hand, let me clarify that i am not a sales rep from this development. What has come to my interest is its Location.

In fact, this condominium is allocated in the ideal location. As the golden rule of thumb for property investor, always remember three top most important factors to be put into the consideration. Location, Location, Location.... let me emphasize again..there is "location" of the property... let shout it loud and clear again.. "Location!!". don't blame me, if you slip out this factor.. i have done my part to highlight it to you.

UCSI College University is just a stone throw distance from the door step. Convenient commercial lot like Mcdonold, Giant hypermarket, banks, etc are another attractive points to me. There is also a 10- 15 minutes travel distance to KLCC or Midvalley. No doubt, it is sitting in a very strategic position.
Of course, every developement has its weakness or shortcoming, this condo cannot be escaped too.
Once u open window, u can see the chinsese cemetery, there is a big zone on the hill area.
When we see the big picutre of the area, it seems to be too dense. Too Congested traffic is another discourage factor.
But the two main concerns for me is the Quality and Maintenance Fee... It cannot be ignored as well, as it can cost u easily a ton of dollar and drag for decade to resolve.
"Location, Quality and Maintenance Fee.". this is what u have to judge carefully before you make up your mind in buying property.
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